Vector Magic Pencil and Dyes

Something different for vector based Paint Synth presets.

A preset that draws like Magic Pancils (a favorite sketching medium of mine and apparently Quentin Blake) creates the outlines.

Another vector preset that paints like old school dyes on (WAY too) absorbant paper. Messy as hell. If that had been actual paper and I was trying to make a final printable illustration - the extra flow would have been much reason for cursing. I can control the "brush" size and flow in SA by adjusting parameters... In this case I let it flow to demonstrate the effect.

Both of these drawing as quickly as they do and rendering out pretty faithfully to SVG - are amazing to me - used as I am to the traditional vector tools available in Adobe apps or similar.

Some of the grainy and wet, flowing behavior can be seen in this sped up vid:

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  • Are you using the multi-pen mode for the magic pencil coloring variations?

    For people who are unaware, you have 2 different modulators in the paint synthesizer that are driven by the multi-pen mode nib modulation. So you can use those to modulate the color, or path randomization, or all kinds of different things in the paint synthesizer.


  •  Yes. The "Magic Pencil" preset used in the example here uses: Autodraw Multipen and a color setting: Paint Color Source/Color Mode/Tri Opponent Prob to toss around different colors.

    I added a zip with several "magic pencil themed Paint Synth presets here:

    The set has several multicolor "pencils" as well as mono color versions and some other interesting offshoots. These are all for freehand drawing with a stylus/tablet setup.


    On a different but related subject. The examples above - especially visible in the video - I draw outline first then just throw swaths of flowing washes on top. I know there are several ways I could have the flowing washes sit under the line art. Use Layers - or change fills to Min for instance... I am saving a PasEq to play back the drawing in various forms and would really like the ability to re-order the steps in the playback. Or just control/play a section of playback and be able to hit pause - or stop playback. I need to learn more about how History and pasEq are working - but would love to see more control right in the pasEq dialogue - beyond muting. A way to rearrange sections of playback for instance as well as pause, stop would be very helpful. The pause stop would be something to look into as the playback is writing into a file.

    Paint Synth Drawing - Magic Pencils
    The Paint Synth presets in this zip are some experiments with a Magic Pencil like drawing - multicolor or mono color pencil like tools: CD_magic_penc…
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