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  • Hi David, I forget if I've asked you this question before, but is this all studio artist or do you start in another app and then post process in SA? I would be hard pressed to come up with something like this myself in SA. But then again, there are still tons of presets that I haven't experimented with.
  • Charles, this one is 100% SA. Most often the images I put up here at SAUF have been done using at least a few touches of Photoshop but this one was start to finish SA 3.5. I have a range of approaches to working with stuff. This one resulted from an exploration of warp, geodesic rings, morphol, equalization and image compression on two layers, one entirely black except for a tiny smudge of orange and the other entirely orange except for a tiny smudge of black. The first stages were a nearly undiscernable image which appeared only after revealing it with the processing. The rest was cloning with the pen one layer into the other and then Smart Blur. I posted an image 'Melange Refinery' in early January that was done with a similar approach, but instead of cloning with the wacom pen I used masked regions and brought in the second layer with Fixed Image ImOp.
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