The Lincoln 4 Dollar Bill

Changing Values
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  • i really like this, paul. it reminds me of copy art. how did you do it if you don't mind sharing?
  • Thanks, Donna. There is no direct way I create my art. It is a stream of consciousness experience using many layers that even I can never duplicate exactly. In this case I create an image from a photo I have manipulated till I get I look I like. That is arbitrary. In the process I may have used rank area filter as part of the process. Then I create an engraving. Various patterns are created by using masks and warp/kaleido symmetry. I adjust colors till I get what I like. The type was created as separate layers just using the undo function till it is positioned exactly. For complete words that are letter spaced or curved I create a page in InDesign that is the same size as my Studio Artist piece, export it as a jpeg and then import it into SA. This piece was particularly complex and took me a day about 8 hours to complete. Sometimes I am lucky and get them done in 2 or 3 hours. I often save the steps I case I need to import them again after I have flattened the image. Often the previous steps work as art as well and could be used as finishes. I just stop when I get to a point where the image feels complete and feel it is time to stop. I have been working on a number of series in addition to Coney Island that utilize text. When I have enough done I will share them on this forum.
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