
just trying out some ideas..2 paseqs and some handwork
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  • Nice idea....!
  • I like the bits of well placed texture especially in the upper third. Assuming you used one of your latest paseq for this?
  • Bernard, Dee Heather, thanks for the comments

    Dee.. 1 old paseq - a mod of davesportraitpas that I posted a while ago, and one new paseq. 4 new brush presets: all developed in response to conversation with Heather. I will post them in the preset sharing group later.

    But the process still requires a good bit of hand work; mostly masking, but some brushing. Beyond the brush control the core of the experiment was with zones of focus. If you click on the image the bigger version will help in understanding what I mean. While working on the image I initially used an ellipse mask to "vingnette" blur the background while keeping the original detail in the figure. As I progressed I used a feathered lasso mask with a somewhat irregular shape to reduce the working area to the upper 2/3 of the figure. The work process also uses the technique I described earlier of very subtly blurring each round of painting so that the current round appears on top of the older one. The penultimate mask was constrained without feathering to the face. (eventually SA will auto recognize faces- but not yet). For the face I used the earlier Paseq, and then went in with a custom blender brush.

    The canvas was initially set to a warm off white. A second layer with a single unworked pass of the old Paseq was composited with multi 1 at 80 %

    total work time about 45 min.. but I could do it faster now.
  • 45 minutes for you, but 45 minutes for me to just find the presets and do the first mask! I've played with the blur technique you describe but every step takes me forever to get it right. Interesting observation: setting the canvas to off white--I've never tried that, but I see how it really softens the over all tones. The beauty of it all comes out in the larger version which sold me on it in the first place. Now you've inspired me to take another shot--perhaps with the new brush presets you will be posting. Thanks for the details!
  • Dee-- blur tip..

    turn history recording on.. use what ever method you want for the blur.. try dozens or the same one dozens of times if that is what it takes to get the perfect effect for you. Then redact the history to the one that you like. save as a paseq and in the future you can do it with one click ( ok 3 total if you count calling up the paseq).

    Finding presets is a chore-- but as you find them save them to a specific favs folder-- you know that you can make your own - I have 12 now. So for example you could have a Portrait Favs or a live performance favs or a watercolor favs etc that way you only need to search when you want to try something new.
  • Thanks for the tip--will try--as for making my own presets, don't have much luck and wish I could do a better job. Seems like I lose steps in between when creating them even though I record both pasq and history steps, but they end up being long and take long to replay. Must work at it...and make more favs folders too, only have 1.
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