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  • another combination 


  • How do you do it!!!!  Your work is awesome!

  • Thanks Lisa,

    I'm using SA and Zbrush.

    Here, first explanation, adding a paint preset on a 3D face. I'm using Zbrush head models, andthen use any SA preset on it. Finally the result is imported in Zbrush, and I choose the material, for example, you have metal structure, plastic, wood, or you can create your own material, modify presets, etc... Some contrast, light, hue, sat corrections are also necessary.

    Here sketch, here truchet style, here vectorizer, here some details, here painting.

    You can also import SA pictures in Zbush, not only on head models, and add material or lighting effect on it.

    Here, I added "volume" on a sketch test.

    So, in the second picture above added, I'm using 2 layers. First layer Zbrush picture, second layer BW picture.

    For the second layer, you can use any picture and modifiy it with the Threshold Imop, to have a BW "hard" picture. Then you mix it together with different composite and % to have this result. Finally imported in Zbrush on "plastic" material effect, for the lighting reflection. And corrections.

    Leaves example here on the same 2 layers idea (Zbrush was not used for this)

  • You are sweet!  Thanks a bunch for telling me how you do it.  I don't have Zbrush, but I do have a friend who used to play with it and I can more than likely get some head models from him.  Thank you so much for all of your detailed and beautiful explanations.    

  • Lisa, here you can find a free 3D software.


    But, as John promises here and here, in SA 5, there will be an add... :-)

  • How cool is this program going to be!!!  Thanks for the link and telling me about what's going on.  :-)))

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