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  • I am beginning to think that we may have lost sight of Liberty in this country.. think I am off base?? read this:link

  • Michael

    I have seen the ongoing loss of freedom in this country for many years and have felt very scared about it. It has been incremental, in small steps. Now it is becoming more obvious as evidenced by the article you posted. This may not be a political forum, but as artists I have been aware that the lack of support for the arts is part of the present paranoia. Artists are the heart and soul of every country. Artist rights are being suppressed. There was an interesting article in The New York Ties today on the OP Ed Page about the lack of support for all the arts here. Unfortunately we are living through a Dark Ages. Hopefully it will pass.

  • "Ten years of tories", I flick off to my mate at the bottle shop, as I pass him by as he's surfing the web. The "arts" have traditionally been on the left of things, so when politics veers right, as it has recently, the arts suffer. Artists have no rights other than those they can charge for at the time, as far as I can tell... Dark ages? Not wrong. Art aside, we don't even believe the scientists we hired to look into climate change. But artists are meant to fight against political and moral stupidity aren't they? I tried, in the runup to our latest elections here. It did no good. People vote for low prices, not ideals, so we get coal fired power and no emission reductions. We are what we do. We are the dark heart of the dark ages...

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