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  • Cool series of sketches.  Are you working with raster paint or vector?  I'm guessing raster looking at it, but wanted to check.

  • Yes, I used raster brushes and let the size of the brush automatically adjust according to the brightness.pujing

  • So have you tried animating any of these sketches?

    If not, i'd highly recommend checking it out.  I've had really good results with this kind of sketch effect, using the various animation features in the Paint Action Sequence editor to automate most of the work.

    You can keyframe animate between different sketches of some extended action sequence you want to see it as a moving sketch animation.  Or you can use it to generate transitions between different radically different sketches in visually interesting ways.

    The Studio Artist tips site has some simple tutorials on this.

    Encapsulating Bezier Keyframe Animation tip.

    Automating Encapsulated Bezier Paint Animation tip.

    Sequential Keyframe Recording tip.

    There are a lot of different blog posts in the Synthetik Knowledge Base blog that show off different aspects of this kind of thing.

    Here's one post on Bezier Path Tween Animation.

    You could of course use movie layer features if you really wanted to build up every single frame of the animation totally by hand painting.  This approach can be very powerful, but it is extremely time consuming. 

    Working with keyframing is a way to still capture the magic and excitement of hand sketching but more quickly turn it into something that has structure over an extended time period.

    I can put together some additional tutorials on this kind of thing if people are interested.  Dan Burke, i am thinking of you as one new Studio Artist user who would probably be very interested in this often un-explored corner of Studio Artist. 

    We can move any discussion on the mechanics of animating sketch effects to another discussion thread (to avoid clogging this one up, since this page is really just a photo comment section for the particular cool artwork posted above).  If no one else starts a post devoted to animating sketch effects in the next few days, then i will get one started in the regular main discussion form.

  • thank you so much for your suggestion. The exploration of the unknown is always exciting. Studio Artist is a treasure, my English is not good, so my learning progress is not good, but I try to translate some interface and tutorials, thank you for your guidance and encouragement.

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