Valentino Rossi

Valentino Rossi
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  • I had this comment on Facebook, on this particular piece, almost immediately after I posted it.

    "Looks great, but it is not a painting, is it?"

    This how I defended myself.

    "It's absolutely not a painting. This is my digital bullshit entirely. But I predict digital painting will take over, pretty much entirely, within 2 decades. We've seen the warning signs coming before, with desktop publishing and the web, and lots of people lost their entire livelihoods ignoring the inevitable in that bunfight. For me, it's not so important at 61, but the kids should know that this is possible, and choose to go in this direction if they want. My experience is that people put stuff on their walls that they like, and they don't care much about how it came about. Norman Rockwell relied upon a local photographer to gather most of his reference for all of his cover paintings. And he was, IMO, the best of the best. I'm just trying to change and adapt, and stay ahead of the curve. If it inspires someone to go this way - or to even look into it - I've done my job :) "

    Traditionalists are really touchy about this stuff. I have mates who are great traditional painters who love this stuff, and there are others who just hate the idea of it.

    Sigh... :(

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