
  • Hello Donna,
    Thank you for this opportunity to share! I haven't anything as yet. Still trying to learn the interface, with occasional forays into the nether realms(paint action seqences, movie streams image streams)
  • hmmmmmm.....
    this is a very very good idea Donna!
    i really have to do a bit of tidying up before i submit anything though! You should see what a mess i've got! I am very much looking forward to working in this group.
    • if you want to create your own presets there is a video tutorial called "evolve presets." it's pretty easy. i think you can do it in the texture synthesizer too. in msg evolver you can just click buttons and when you see an effect you like you save it as a preset. i like to save an effect and then open up another source image and see the effect on a different picture or movie.
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