Creating fractals with the paint synthesizer

John mentioned that the paint synthesizer could be configured to create fractals. I haven't had any success in that area, but have used the ImOp to create "fractured" images. The user guide doesn't have info on configuring the paint synthesizer for this purpose...any ideas/guidance?

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  • Fractal is a loose term to describe a lot of different types of images. But what all those images have in common is some kind of self-similarity at different spatial scales.

    Here's an example of a few simple paint presets that can be used to generate self similar images. The original image was a painted T. So after running the ContractionCircles2 preset a little you end up with a fractal like image. The santa presets that were posted around christmas are also examples of this kind of processing.


    • Thank you, John, I'll check it out!
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