
The source is 200 video frames from a Flip camera, which was then run through the temporal scan track ip op to generate a static image. A second temporally processed graffiti stack was constructed in a second layer and incorporated into the representational image to give it a graffiti texture. Additional processed features from the static representational image were then min composited into the final canvas as a way to make the graffiti textures be more cohesive.
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  • that is awesome... when do we get to play with the big toys?
  • Yes John, that 's important for me too. I "need" to now when version 4 is coming out.

    Presumably I will finish the editing of my Joe Bowie documentary this month, then it really goes into the animation. What I did on animation so far was just lots of trials and testings. But as I said, soon "the work" really starts, and I would love to integrate the temporal scan track ip op (that you introduced over the last days again and again) into a few sequences. Since really would fit perfectly to the ideas I have in mind for the look and aesthetics of the film.

    So when version 4 will be released? Or are there any build in plug-ins for 3.5.2. as a kind of pre-release?
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