
Another procedural image created with a new MSG processor. This is also using a tiling MSG processor that emulates all of the old MSG Evolver tiling functionality. What's nice about doing the tiling this way is that you ca recursively nest several tiling processors to create some really wild new tiling effects.
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  • John,

    I like the direction this is going. It brought something to my mind...Tessellations. Escher has always been one of the artists held in high esteem in both the artistic and scientific community. It would be great to be able to create tessellations in Studio Artist. And take it a step further than he was able to. to be able to animate them and make animated transitions from one to the next. Let me know if this is possible. Thanks.
  • Do you mean like his fish to reptile kind of transitional tilings, or 2 different shapes that tile together in a plane, or something else? You can point me at a web link of what you are looking for.
  • The transitional tiling is what I mean. Here are afew websites with his work.


  • There might be a way to build a 2 input MSG processor that does something like this. I'll take a look at it.
  • Thanks
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