
I added a new feature to version 4 that allows you to turn off threading for MSG processing, which i'm using to help generate this particular image. In general you would want threading on since things run X times faster, where X is the number of processors in your machine when MSG threading is turned on (for any threaded operation). However, if you are doing recursive IO MSG processing then the threading introduces a characteristic horizontal banded appearance into some kinds of recursive processing. By recursive i mean doing something like a warp operation where you are using the same image buffer for the input and the output of the warp. Sometimes the banding looks awesome, but other times you'd really like it to not be there or to have control over the number of threads.
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  • Here's the same MSG preset used to generate the posted image above but with threading turned on. I'm using an 8 processor mac pro tower, so note the 8 horizontal bands in the generated image. Visually, there are uses for both looks. And with the new MSG threading preference option in v4 you can dial in the particular effect you want for recursive IO processing by adjusting the threading preference.

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