
Trying out some new ideas. I try to walk 5 miles every other day on the beach for exercise, so i've been dragging a digital camera along in the hope i'd get inspired to try something new. So every time i see a piece of driftwood, i've been taking close up pictures of the defects and textures in the surface of the wood. I then took a folder of those images, made a PASeq to do some cleanup and resizing and converted the image folder into a movie. I then used that movie as a movie source brush and tried out some path start regionization ideas in the paint synthesizer. So i'm generating a picture of the beach out of random textured stuff i find on the same beach. It's taking the concept of how a fractal works and then twisting it somewhat. The way the textures work out in a final image is also turning out a lot better than i had expected. My initial reaction to the individual photos was 'gee these are pretty boring', and the looks i get from people on the beach watching me take ridiculous pictures of a close up of a dirty piece of drift wood certainly reinforced my initial impression of this particular experiment probably not working out. But in fact i'm pretty happy with how it's all turning out in the end. I've also been paying a lot more attention to depth of field recently. So the other thing i did with this particular image is used multiple applications of the Sphere Multiplier Ip Op with different random seeds to slightly darken the borders of the final image in a random way. Which focuses the viewers attention to the center of the image. There's a million tricks you can use in Studio Artist to simulate depth of field after the fact so perhaps i should post a new blog tutorial on that subject at some point in the bear term future.
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  • Yes, a depth of field tut would be good. I'm not going to live long enough to fully understand SA!
  • The funny part is, when i see some of the things that other users do with studio artist, i don't know whether i really understand it. Or at least everything it is capable of achieving.

    But that's the whole notion of synergy, a great word by the way, the concept that a collection of parts working together can be greater than the sum of the individual components when looked at separately. And i think that's one of the real strengths of Studio Artist. When you start combining different Studio Artist features together to build a composite art process is when things really begin to take off. And of course the Paint Action Sequence (PASeq) is the way to encode that process into a single preset you can then use at a later date, focusing on the end result and not all the details that lead up to it initially.
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