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  • nice work, can you teach us how to create this kind of work?

  • There's a few different things going on to make this kind of image.

    First, the main shapes are created by using 2 different vectorizer passes. The first is rather abstract. The second has a little more detail, and is Edge3 composited into the first one. I do this in a single layer, using the composite option in the vectorizer. I think i was using the linear gradient vector fill option in the vectorizer drawing control panel.

    Then, i use the Simple Texture ip op to add some texture to the vectorizer images. I used the IpSource Lum option for the Modulation for that effect. I used the #26 Algorithm. 


    The raised surface look is created by using the Gradient Lighting ip op. I use a low Mix setting, like 16 %. And i use the effect multiple times with different Scale settings to build up a multi-octave lighting effect. So, i'll use Scale settings of 10,20,40, 100 to build up the full multi-scale effect. After running one pass of Gradient Lighting, i then use the Simplify ip op to clean up any noise artifacts. I use this for everything except the final 100% scale option.

    Here's the sequence of actions i used to create the effect.


    The Smart Blur ip op steps are just to clean up an ragged edges.

    The source to selection and warp steps add a little bit of source modulated translate warp.

    The Blur steps near the end are multi-octave sharpening effects.

  • I forgot to mention, the Mix for the second vectorizer step with the Edge3 composite was set to 70%. If you set it to 100%, you get a much darker background.

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