
Paint synthesizer photo collage experiment based on a movie brush of old ad images.
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  • John , i have a wish . if it is not too much to ask , a detailed  video tutorial step by step of how to go by making such a piece as this .thanks in advance . soumaya   

  • "First you write a piece of software…"

  • Nice picture. Cool movie brush !

    What is the ideal size of the pictures when you create the movie brush. If it's too small, you don't have enough details. Is it important that all the pictures in the folder have the same ratio, square or rectangle ?

  • The average size for the original images was in the neighborhood of 500x700 pixels. You do need to convert everything into a single aspect ratio for the movie brush, since the frames in the movie need to be the same size. Studio Artist automatically does this for you when you use it to convert a folder of images to a movie file, since setting the canvas to a source image resizes it to fill the existing canvas aspect and size.

    The exception to this is if you use an alpha channel in the movie brush to mask individual images, then you could have varying aspect ratio in the same movie brush, via the alpha masking.

    I oftentimes make different movie sizes from the same original folder of images. I'll choose the appropriate one depending on what i'm trying to do.

    The appropriate size is really a function of the sizes the individual images will be rendered to in the canvas in the photo collage. 


    This particular image was generated using region fill as brush pen mode. So the images in an individual movie frame are automatically resized to match the rectangular boundary of the generated regions. I'm using a watershed regionize generator for the path shape.

    Region Fill as Brush pen mode used for this kind of movie brush paint effect will resize the individual image to match any region size, modifying the aspect ratio and sizing appropriately. The issue is that is you upsize an image too much, then you will start to see pixelation. So it's better to have enough resolution in the original images to handle that. 


    Bernard mentioned in another post that choosing the individual images to use for the movie brush is the difficult part for creating this kind of effect. Of course you could just use anything, but choosing an appropriate collection of images for whatever artistic effect you are trying to achieve is a big part of creating this kind of automatic photo collage.

    You want to choose enough individual images with unique coloring characteristics to be able to represent the original source image colors you are trying to reproduce with the collage images. Although you can get around this by working with automatic recolorization in your paint synthesizer photo collage preset. I am using image processing brush load features in the paint brush load control panel to recolorize the individual movie brush images on the fly when painting (to better match the original source image colors for the spatial area they are trying to reproduce).

  • We can look into putting some video tutorials together. In the mean time, here are some links to existing information available that can help explain how to do this kind of effect.

    I used to use the term photo mosaic to describe this kind of effect. At some point i started using the term photo mosaic only for regular or adaptively positioned rectangular tiles, and started using photo collage for the highly irregular shapes and positioning seen in this particular example. So a lot of existing information on building automatic photo collage effects may be labeled as photo mosaic.

    Here's a post on building your own movie brush.

    Here's a tip on making a movie brush from a folder of images.

    Here's a post that discusses the movie brush recolorization using the paint brush load control panel features in the paint synthesizer.

    Here's another post on recoloring options for path start regionization.

    Here's a post on how to overlay a black vectorizer outline on top of a photo mosaic or photo collage canvas.

    Here's a post on path start regionization arrangement options for building photo mosaic or photo collage effects.

  • thanks John 

  • Also thanks John :-)

  • Might I ask if the outline done with an image operation or a paint preset in this image?

  • The black outline overlay was made using the vectorizer with the outline option for the main technique. In the Drawing control panel you can set the Backgroudn Fill to none, and the outline Color Option to Black. This will only paint in the generated outline as an overlay on top of the existing canvas. I used the Pos/Neg option for the Outline Type.

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