Portrait 632

Thanks to Liveart's last posted PASeq. I used some of his steps, and added cast shadow
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  • very nice Bernard. Did you add the cast shadow in SA or FF? Did you handpaint with the preset or mod the path?

  • Thanks Michael, cast shadow added in FF.

    All was done in autopaint, works well.

    I just didn't use the 3 steps of your PASeq :


  • One thing I'm discovering is that the initial size of the canvas has a huge impact on the final outcome.

    What is the optimal canvas size you guys recommend, to start with?

    Secondly, I'm noticing that the initial steps of the PASec, get completely overwritten, by the later steps, rendering some of the earliest steps unnecessary. Is this a function of the brush size or the initial image size?

  • Yes Tony, the result of the final picture depends on the size of the canvas, if you don't modify the size of the brush of each PASeq step,

    I prefer working in 1500 x 1500 or more. Michael created his preset with a certain brush size for a certain canvas size. That's why I didn't use some steps that painted smaller.

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