The Rev. Sun Myung Mooncheese

The Rev. Sun Myung Mooncheese
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  • Ha ha great!

    Here's an interactive Flash thing I did about him also using Studio Artist for some of the visuals...
  • Hey thanks, A little humorous treatment of a most unfunny subject; but as a bona fide brain-carrying absurdist I can't restrain myself. His texture comes from my custom 'mooncheese sampler' movie brush. I'm extending the Mooncheese theme to launch further depth-plumbing excursions into SA from, so forgive me if it gets into overkill with these titles..... it's just an excuse to study/learn...
    I checked the UncleSamificationChurch thing and suspect that this megalomaniac who, in his own words, was "sent to Earth . . . to save the world's six billion people, who has direct spirit communications with [deceased] emperors, kings and presidents that have declared to all Heaven and Earth that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is none other than humanity's Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent."(and also a major financier of Republican causes).......... may be impervious. He's TFFG. I got a laugh from it though.
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