
Trying out some new ideas for creating black and white sketch effects.
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  • I like this particular new idea John. The lines are so bold and clear.....are they computational or regionized?
  • The lines themselves are vector strokes. It's a little involved how to create this particular effect right now, but it is encapsulated in a v4 PASeq. My plan is to add some new features to make it really easy to achieve the same effect wiept:t using multiple steps.
  • This is incredible. Just the FX I am looking for on my next film. When will this be available - and can I rcreate in SA 3.5? When will 4 be available, please? JG
  • I think you could build something like this in 3.5. The quality of the line would probably not be quite as smooth using raster paint strokes but there are things you could do when putting together the paint preset to optimize for that. Also, you could build the image at a higher res and then downsize it afterwards to get a smoother antialiased line if that was a big issue.

    You would put together a PASeq that generates a region selection for the hard contrast areas you want to sketch in and then use 'selection as regions - full on only' path start generator with a 'pathstart regionize use region draw pen gen' path shape. This approach will generate regions based on the current selection and then paint them with the current region fill type in the pen mode control panel. There are lots of different hatching patterns in there to choose from.
  • Would love to see how smoothly this could be applied to moving images.
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