Dancing Paints

Craig Dealy requested presets that follow the pen in an auto draw mode. It just so happens that as I use SA for live performance, I have made a good few of these. Most of them are pretty wild. Here I have culled a few that are more "normal."

These presets require a Wacom tablet and ArtPen to be used to their true ability.

The way to use them is to start an auto-loop of the preset (cmd shift-r). then hover the pen over the tablet. Move the pen the paint moves, tilt and rotate the pen and see what happens. Some of the presets are also velocity sensitive... move the pen faster and slower and see the effect.

Have fun, as always if you make any interesting mods, please re-post.


dancinpaints for CD 2.zip

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  • Live!

    These are fantastic! Many thanks!

    The magic seems to be in theses parameters:


    Brush Only!

    These are very close to what I am after.

    I was looking to play with a sort of palette knife like effect. See attached zip.

    The Presets work well - with one difficulty:

    Using an image size of 1200x1500 pixels (or larger) I find the presets only draw in the upper left third or so of the canvas.2472640259?profile=original

    Smaller canvas sizes seems to work fine. Staying within a constrained size...

    The coverage seems to be constrained to a limited area. On a larger canvas the area is in the upper left.

    I wonder if there is another parameter that allows the drawing to happen anywhere on a larger canvas.



    • Ok, i think i figured out the problem. It is a bug. I'm fixing it now, and the fix will be in the next 4.05 beta.

      For now, don't change the canvas view magnification from 1.0 if you want to use the auto paint hover tracking with the wacom pen. It's not an issue for normal pen drawing on the canvas, only in the case of using the hover tracking where the pen is hovering above the surface of the canvas.

    • Craig, glad you are able to use.

      for the partial canvas draw issue, paint parameters that key off of region selection or alpha could cause partial canvas drawing.

      However, I suspect a bug of some sort and have noted same to John. Problem is solved for me by a restart. but will come back after SA has been running for a while. I have no issue with these presets in earlier versions of SA.

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