
  • Cheers John, I will endeavour to work out programming Studio Artist
  • Here's a vector paint variation on the simple block hatch example. Using vector painting is nice for this kind of thing if you want smoother diagonal lines. Again this is a Studio Artist 4 paint synthesizer preset.

    By going to the Path Shape control panel and adjusting the Region Pattern Type you can change the kind of fill pattern used for the generated regions.

    By going to the Path Start control panel and changing the Max Stroke setting you can control the number of generated blocks.

  • Here's a simple adaptive block hatch paint synthesizer preset for those of you getting starting programing after reading the tutorial.

  • The Abstractor 2 and 3 presets in the download folder were some experiments i was working on and aren't path start regionize presets, so you might want to just ignore them or realize they aren't associated with the tutorial.
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