Random bits of thought and improvements

I had a couple more thoughts about workflow improvements in SA. Here are just some minor things I noticed that could probably speed the process up. It seems like most users probably don't do specific things I do but here are some bits and pieces anyway.

Layer workflow:

  • In the layers panel, status (on/off) should be a checkbox. The dropdown menu action takes a couple steps and bogs down the tempo when constructing a scene. 
  • In the layers panel, the % columns should be a slider. The canvas doesn't have to update in real time, but best if it does.
  • Canvas view by default should view all layers instead of current layer.

Overall UI/UX/misc things:

  • Ability to resize StudioArtist window from any corner, instead of just the bottom right hand side. Lately notice a lot of programs can resize via any corner. It's extremely handy.
  • Could the UI be a dark-gray theme like Adobe products are like? I usually sit down for well over 6 or 7 hours staring at the same thing, I lately like the darker theme only because it's easy on the eyes. Not sure if people like this or not but I personally see it beneficial. I noticed how going to fullscreen view would get you white, gray or black, but the titles of the panel don't change.
  • Keystroke switch between different pen modes. Not sure how it'd work given there are multiple pen modes in SA. I usually switch between Autodraw interactive and interactive pen often enough. I currently just have presets which mildly solves the issue, but it feels like having 2 of the same thing. 
  • In general: customizable shortcut keys for everything?
  • MSG Advanced Editor is kinda hard to understand both UI and UX. It seems like some of the modules could be clumped into 1. Not exactly sure how else to think about it but I generally want more visual feedback with MSG given its chaotic nature.

That's about it for now.

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  • Thanks for the feedback. Some of your suggestions (like checkboxes instead of popups for things like status or lock) have already been implemented for future release. We'll look closely at your other suggestions.

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