
More self modulating recursive io patching in MSG. You can see the interaction of the processor threading in the overall image. My machine has 8 processors, but if you only had 4 or 2 or 1 processor(s) the image would look different. In general a good reason to stay away from recursive warping io connections, but sometimes it's effective. This one processes the 3 color channels of a source image differently and then color maps the end result to a color palette using the ForceColormap processor.
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  • super cool!
  • Was this made with processors that exist in Evolver now, or in the version to come out in the future?
    If it is the currently released version, can you tell what processors you used?
  • Well, it was made in version 4. And i does use a new msg processor. However, i tried removing that and you still get something close to above with that part removed. And you can in fact load that particular version 4 preset into 3.5 MSG Evolver and it runs. You can get that preset for download here.

    The source photo was a picture of john stewart. Like i said, the preset i posted is similar but not completely identical due to the missing msg processor. If you look at how the processor chain was constructed, note 2 things. First, each of the 3 rgb channels for the source are processed with several different single channel msg processors. Then the processed rgb channels are color mapped with the ForceColormap msg processor.

    Also, keep in mind that the banding is going to change based on the number of processors in your machine and the dimensions of the image. This is because the 1CMirroReflect processor is setup to have the same image stream for the input and output, which is a recursive connection for this particular processor. It's kind of feeding back on itself. But since the processor splits to multiple cpu threads, you also get that interaction. So on a 2 or 4 processor machine it's going to look different (less bands) than the one above made on a 8 processor machine.
  • Thanks John!!!
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