
L. Gaga's Art Pop
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  • Really nice Bernard. I can envision this wall sized!

  • It seems like i could add an interactive warp effect that does this kind of pseudo 3D block movement effect. I'll add it to my long list of cool things to do.

  • Haha, I like the bug you posted on your blog !

  • Yeah, my 'mistake' is kind of a cool effect in it's own right. Sometimes the bug ends up being more interesting than the actual effect you were trying to emulate.

    The difference between the Studio Artist philosophy and other unnamed famous graphics programs is that if one of our code bugs look visually interesting, we just keep it and call it another new feature.

    I'm dropping the new features from this experimentation based on the visual things going on in your post above  into the Random Block Exchange ip op right now as new Exchange options as an easy way to test them out. But i guess i should either ultimately add it as a complete new ip op, or an interactive warp feature. Or maybe MSG. You really want to be able to position the center point for the affine transformation part of the pseudo 3d transformation. And have some other adjustments as well that really don't make any sense in the context of Random Block Exchange ip op.

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