
More new vectorizer region effect features.
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  • The standard compositing controls you see in Ip Ops are available for the vectorizer (as well as other operation modes). So you can set the mix as well as the composite type and color space. You'd set the mix to something other than 100% to get transparency.

    You also have the option of using the vectorizer regions to drive the paint synthesizer via 'selection as regions - all levels' path start generator. If you do this and use region fill as brush pen mode then you can use any of the paint synthesizer controls to affect how the regions draw into the existing canvas. So transparency is easy doing it this was as well as an infinite range of other effects.
  • The controls at the bottom of the vectorizer drawing control panel (EPS Region Outline and Outline Size) control the outlining. I can add other options if you can suggest any you want to see there.
  • This is great! It's all 2D flat regions I know, but the triangles' shapes and the triangles' relationships to each other makes me see them as lying in various 3D positions.

    Can we expect to see any new bezier drawing and/or editing tools or controls, or expanded path export/import capabilities ?
  • The results of the survey we did suggested that most people were not big users of the bezier tools. So the basic bezier draw and edit functionality is very similar to what was there before. There are some new path menu options. And the way you work with bezier keyframing has changed from the past. You can import SVG files now. There are new options for how you can use and embed bezier paths in the paint synthesizer. I'm always open to suggestions.
  • So transparency is easy doing it this was as well as an infinite range of other effects. -JD

    oh great that's what we need another infinite set to explore.

    On the bezier paths discussion. I wonder if the poll was skewed a bit because Bezier paths in SA are not as intuitive as some of the other features. It would be great to see more interactivity between the paths and the paint.
  • In the 3.5 vectorizer you can't set transparency for the output, you need version 4 for that which has the normal ip op composite and mix controls. You could output your vectorizer image to a layer, and then use layer transparency with view all display mode to build transparency.

    If you are using the vectorizer to drive the paint synthesizer, then you can use a partial blend setting in paint fill apply to create transparency. And various region fill as brush processing effects (like gradients) can also be used to introduce transparency.

    I've done some interesting effects recently where i ran multiple passes of partially transparent vectorizer output where i increase the complexity of the vectorizer effect over time. I also tried this where i used the paint synthesizer for the drawing of the vectorized regions and used image processing brush load features to create some pretty wild effects.

    As far as bezier editing goes, we actually considered pulling it from studio artist 4 because of the poll results. You'd be surprised how many people said, oh i didn't realize you could work with bezier paths, or i never use that particular feature and would not care if it was removed.

    But it's really necessary for a lot of cool things since you need it to create bezier warp and morph effects, bezier paths for use in the paint synthesizer, etc. So we ended up keeping it. Bezier edit and draw are integrated into a single bezier operation mode now. I'd like to add a bezier effects section to that at some point, which i think would be really useful.

    As far as the range of infinite effects goes, when you start combining together different areas of studio artist, like using the vectorizer to drive the paint synthesizer, or MSG with the paint synthesizer, the potential is really unlimited and at this point largely unexplored. I've been trying to tap into some of these areas and talk about them for people so that these largely unexplored crevices of studio artist can be made more accessible to people.
  • "As far as bezier editing goes, we actually considered pulling it from studio artist 4 because of the poll results. You'd be surprised how many people said, oh i didn't realize you could work with bezier paths, or i never use that particular feature and would not care if it was removed."

    I use the bezier tools a lot!!!
  • can one paint vector regions along a bezier path? If so could one the edit the path interactively editing the vector?

    I confess to being one of those that does not truly understand how to use bezier paths in SA. I do however appreciate what can be done with them in XaraX or Illustrator or Expression.

    I would love to know how to Paint with vectors in SA. By which I mean have the vectors follow my brush or bezier path.
  • You could auto paint vector regions along a drawn path. You would first draw the bezier regions. Then you would record them in the internal bezier path memory of the paint synthesizer. Then you could setup an Auto Region Fill as Brush pen mode preset using an Internal Path Memory 1 path shape type. As you move the pen you will get a series of autodrawn shapes based on the bezier regions stored in the internal bezier path memory.

    This does not give you access to the path the pen draws as an editable bezier path however, which i think is what you are looking for? I played around with this a little. If you turn on the pen draw path layer record menu flag it doesn't record the drawn path when in auto region fill as brush pen mode. However, you can record an interactive pen hand drawn stroke to get the bezier path, and then edit the paint synthesizer pen mode to change it to auto region fill as brush and option click the original paseq action step keyframe for the interactive pen to overwrite the previously recorded hand drawn pen stroke. This then gives you a paseq action step that follows the recorded bezier path drawing bezier regions along it. You could edit this path in bezier edit mode and then overwrite it into the paseq action step. So this is a way to do it.

    The tutorial on embedding bezier hatching patterns gives some clues for working with the paint synthesizer internal path memories. There's also some discussion about bezier paths on the forum here.
  • I believe that the bezier functions in SA represent a very potent area of the program. That most people surveyed did not find themselves using the bezier tools extensively may mean that they aren't interested in using them. Or it may mean that they are quite immersed and satisfied in other deeply involving areas of the program. Or it might be suggesting that the uses of and the ways to use the bezier tools are less obvious at first glance. The Beziers do hold 4 places of 15 operations control panels at the top of the heirarchy of SA though. That quietly says something very significant.

    I won't pretend that I thoroughly grok the many ways that vectors and/or beziers are utilized in SA. Mostly, I think of these things as drawing guides. There are so many ultra-cool things SA can do with these things, and I'm mostly only thinking of still image work. SA is awesome in this area, and I think every single command in the Path menu is amazing. Generating bezier paths from the vectorizer is incredible. Recording pressure and tilt information along a path is fantastic. That version 4 is going to be capable of importing SVGs is superfantastic!

    Some additions and modifications in this area of the program would make working with vectors/beziers considerably easier. Here are a few for consideration.

    -a Bounding Box
    and the ability to reshape, resize, move, and rotate with it

    a hot key to orient paths and regions to horizontal, vertical, and 45 degrees
    regular Shapes-

    -a single tool to draw basic circles, rectangles, triangles, polygons, stars, etc.
    ( I made up a series of brushes of shapes but it still requires doing 1)create new layer, click/apply brush, 3) 'path-generate path-from canvas edges, 3)bezier edit, select path, copy path, 5) return to other layer, 6)paste, 7)resize whew! and all that to invariably get an always less than perfect circle, square, or whatever.

    -option-click-drag to copy paths and path regions

    -hot key to toggle the paths visibility on or off
    (why do all the paths have to redraw themselves entirely, and why are they wiggly and have breaks so much?)

    -control handles with the line showing where they connect to the path

    -a direct selection tool for individual point editing

    -paths with evenly spaced anchor points

    -amount/percentage sliders or fields to control and enable us to rewarp and/or resize without resorting to PASs

    -one window for edit/draw/warp/ collections

    -a memory favorites palette with icons that show basic representations of each favorite

    Any of these would enhance the users ability to create, and to work much more quickly.
    I believe that if the tools could allow us to create more quickly many more people would be using and exploring the possibilities.
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