
  • Hello liveart,
    The sketch presets did not open in SA 3.5. Did you intend to send me those as exec files? They opened as a coded text file. Perhaps you could send me instructions, or send those as exec files? I see thats what all the other presets are. Otherwise, I'm not sure what to do with them.
    • Studio Artist 4 PASeq presets will not open in Studio Artist 3.5, the file format is radically different.
    • Looking back at the threads it appears my initial question got lost in the version 4.02 versus version 3.5 discussion.
      The PASreq behavior I described is with version 4.02.
    • I did say this before in the thread, but i'll repeat it again. Apparently there's some issue with recent 4.03 PASeq presets not loading properly in 4.02. SO that's the problem you are running into, Liveart used a 4.03 beta build to make the PASeq preset he posted.

      4.03 is not officially released yet, we're still finishing up beta testing. We hope to get it out the door to 4.0 users fairly quickly.
    • I knew that...:)
      Sorry, I completely missed the connection with Liveart using a 4.03 beta, when I read it the first time.
  • Odd, when I import any of the seven PASreqs, none of the steps has a name and the status for all steps is "off". The PASreq editor window shows "PASreq Generic" and all the values are "off". Each Pasreq does have an icon though.
    What am I doing wrong?
    • do you have SA4.03? or are you still using 3.5?
    • Apparently there's some issue with recent 4.03 PASeq presets not loading properly in 4.02.

      4.03 is not officially released yet, we're still beta testing.

      No Studio Artist 4 presets will work properly in 3.5, especially PASeqs which are an entirely different file format.
    • Thanks
    • I didn't mean to confuse things at the 4.0x level. Tony's profile has 3.5 as his current version. So I thought that might be the issue.
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