Source Keyframe vs Content Keyframe

Greetings gang from Mississippi! Got some time to tool around in SA today and I'm making the most of it. I've been experimenting some with source, content and position keyframes and have come to the realization that I don't really understand the difference between content and source keyframes. When would you use the one over the other? What is the difference? As always, thanks for your feedback and input. And if you live in Mississippi, go out and vote today!

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  • hi chris,

    john answered this same question recently so i am copying and pasting it here.

    Reply by johndalton Feb 25
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    Content keyframes are default background for a layer that get activated whenever a current frame time changes. You are free to then overdraw on top of it or otherwise modify it. Source keyframes are default source images or movies that get activated whenever a current frame time changes. It's like having a specific source image or movie for each individual layer. Source images are always size mapped to the current layer size when you use them in an ip op or a paint operation or a set the layer to source image background paseq step. And any painting operations will work off of the source image associated with the particular layer you are working with. So there is a difference between the 2 kinds of keyframes.
  • Hi Chris! Good to hear from you. Here's a reminder to remember to keep your STUDIO ARTIST chops up while working for His O-ness! It's gonna take some discipline to keep your SA skills honed once you become the minister of culture in Washington next January! BTW I hear Hilary & Bill use Corel Painter (lame). May I be the first to lobby Barack to consider an education program which includes a copy of Studio Artist 4 in every student's schoolbag. America currently is spending 12 billion dollars a month on the invasion of Iraq. That would buy 360 million copies of Studio Artist per year. I'd say that's a chicken in every pot and bye-bye recession right there!

    be well and thanks for your efforts on behalf of a wounded nation.
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