A Magical Spiral Preset



In the new paint presets there are several called "A Magical Spiral" in the sub category called "Assisted or Auto". I've been experimenting, and can't understand what these presets do. They are pretty and interesting, but when used with the auto, mouse or pen, the results have nothing to do with the image that is being painted.


Any insights will be appreciated..





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  • The purpose of these presets is to generate abstract art. They are using the source image for coloring and it may be modulating other aspects of the painting as well.


    You can use the source image in different ways in studio artist. You can use it and generate a very accurate paint rendition of the source image. Or you can get mildly abstract. Or you can get seriously abstract. The preset category you are referring to is in that later category, where it's really all about generating abstract art. The source image will influence the abstraction process, via how the painting is colored and it will also affect the way things draw, but in a non obvious way.

    • Thank you John. That makes sense....
  • One other point about these particular paint preset. You can use them by pressing the Action button and watching them run fully automatically. Or you can use a mouse or pen to draw with them. If you do this, they will still auto draw , but your mouse or pen movement will influence the kind of automatic patterning that gets generated. try both approaches, the end result can be very different.
  • There will be a post on the studio artist daily effects blog at studioartist.posterous.com on January 2nd that discusses some of the details about how to program these kinds of effects in the paint synthesizer.
    • Thank you again, John. Your help and support is outstanding!!
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This forum closing - my attempt to keep things going

Hi Guys,So I have setup a forum here:http://www.sawberry.com/bbs/It links to the archive stuff. Plus allows posting on the threads which mirror the threads here.In a few days this forum will close so this is my attempt to keep things archived and also allow the community to continue.The way it is setup makes it difficult to search but i'm working on that in the meantime. The basic is to preserve the knowledge from this site and search will come later just i have a day job also so I can only get…

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