AutoPaint Frame Continuity / Fixed Random Seed

What would be necessary to to make AutoPaint strokes look more consistent from frame to frame in an animation? (Or even when re-drawing the same frame for that matter?)

A fixed random seed for Auto Paint would help probably. I checked out different types of "Path Start / Generator", but I could not find the right option.

The best would be if that random seed can be animated, so it's possible to have more continuous strokes and more flickering ones.

A hint would be very much appreciated, thanks a lot!

PS: As a Feature Request - make the Parameters searchable (and not only the Presets), so it would be easier to find the right parameter quickly...

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  • Reset Generator is what you were looking for in the Path Start control panel.  It's an editable parameter of it's own, not an option in the Generator. If you turn it on, then a random seed parameter you can set for it becomes visible.

    Like everything else in the Editor, these parameter settings can be animated via keyframes in a PASeq.

    You should really read this tutorial on creating a Paint Strategy for generating paint animation effects.

    It sounds like what you are interested in creating is more temporal continuity in the animation. The tutorial discusses what this terminology means, and talks about a lot of different things you can do to help dial it it.

    • Excellent, thank you for pointing me into the right direction!

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