Can Machines Create Art?

I found this article over the weekend and just finished reading it. I wonder if some here might find it useful, he certainly references lots of other articles on the subject.

Half way through I found myself thinking what if in the future, machines not only make art, but appreciate it too? Perhaps one day, they will see our human efforts as amateur!

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  • Here's an article from this morning's The Verge about computer generated music using deep learning.

    Here's a quote from the article that i think relates to what we try to do with Studio Artist (including the artist in the synthetic computational creative loop).

    In d’Inverno’s vision of the future, AI doesn’t replace humans, but becomes a sort of musical sparring partner. "Even if you don’t think machines can be creative by themselves, they can potentially be creative friends," he says. "You can imagine a situation when you’re having a conversation with a machine offering prompts as a critical, creative accomplice."

    • Thats a very interesting article, I'm fairly easy about AI, I didn't invent the paintbrush, and I don't insist its the only tool of worth for artists.

      I only hope that one day I won't wake up to find my computer is suing me for copyright! 

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