These days zentangle coloring books uses for relaxing,
please see the Zentangle art,

1-Is it possible to generate random zentangle art in custom shape region BY MSG or ...?

Of course I know it is possible to use zentangle images as mosaic but I mean to have my original zentangles with generating by SA like other softwares/mandala creator pro/easy mandala generator

2-In Windows SA shareware V5 MSG Advance Editor Does not show any thing, Is this a bug or shareware limitation?

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  • The MSG Advanced Editor and the PASeq Palette both have vertical splitter controls in them that allow their internal view contents to be adjusted. On windows (not on mac), it's possible to pull the splitter control all the way to the right, hiding all of the contents. It looks like you have that going on in your MSG Advanced Editor in your screen shot above.

    It's easy to fix. Just mouse down at the far right interior side of the palette, and pull the vertical splitter to the left. the contents will then pop into view.


    The zentangle images are interesting. I guess you could build up associated pattern images and then use them with path start regionization to build up collage style mosaics that use the various patterns. My guess is that those images could be visually interesting, but will have a different feel than the zentangle images you are showing.

    Same with using MSG presets for the mosaic fills. You could create some visually interesting effects with MSG generated patterns, but i think it's going to have a different aesthetic feel than the zentangle images you show.

    A far as having studio artist directly generate the zentangle patterns, i'll think about that. There are various quilt and hatch pattern fill options for vector painting and the vectorizer. We might be able to extend some of those existing features to include more 'zentangle' looking patterns.

    And there might be new MSG processors we could add that are more oriented at the types of patterning shown in the zentangle images.

    Thanks for pointing out the zentangle images. It's an interesting fill effect.

    • We have thought about adding something like the vector equivalent of image folder brushes as a new feature. It seems like this might be useful for creating the kinds of patterns in these zentangle images.

      I've also played around with the notion of adding more intelligent scribble features. That kind of relates to this particular art style you've brought up. I'll spend some more time thinking about that. 

      Of course you could manually build up images like this in studio artist pretty easily. One of the artists you pointed to in your links above mention how relaxing and meditative this process can be.

      I do agree automatic ways of generating the intelligent organic patterning would be really interesting.


      You also mentioned mandalas. There are some MSG processors that can do some symmetry things like that. Especially if you stack them. Or MSG warp options that generate circular symmetry. Also, there are symmetry options in the Path Randomize control panel (Symmetry Displace).

      I've been interested in adding more 'auto mandala looking' generating features. So feel free to point out interesting stylistic effects we might try and incorporate in the future.

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Is anybody making a copy of all the material in the Tutorials Forum

Since the Forum is going away in June, has anyone started to make a copy of all the stuff in the Tutorials forum?I've made copies of some of the tutorial material on the main site, but haven't looked at the Tutorial Forum yet.I'm going to continue copying as much as I can for my own personal use anyway, but if anyone else is doing it, or has already started doing it, please let me know.Maybe we can co-ordinate our efforts. ps can't ..... believe John, would let this happen without so much as a…

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