
  • All my work is done in Apple ProRes 4444, I’ve use 422 (HQ) as well.

    4444 is highly recommended if all the files are created digitally, and many festivals require ProRes 422 files, some accept 4444 as well.

  • Studio Artist will use any Quicktime codecs installed on your computer. So if the apple prores codecs are installed on your computer, then you can use them. If they aren't installed on your mac, it's worth hunting them down and installing them. If you run fcpro, then they should be installed.

  • thank you. something is wrong with my computer. compressor won't open at all. the tech wants to just wipe the computer clean. sa accepted fcpro files before. it's part of why i got it. 

    • This link might help you to re-instal the codecs you want.

      • i just bought fcp in the past couple of months. is re-installing the codecs recommended if things aren't working?

        • When did your computer start giving you problems?

          You might want to run a disk utility check to make sure there isn't something damaged with the file system on the disk first.

          Then you might want to try re-installing fcp. 

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Is anybody making a copy of all the material in the Tutorials Forum

Since the Forum is going away in June, has anyone started to make a copy of all the stuff in the Tutorials forum?I've made copies of some of the tutorial material on the main site, but haven't looked at the Tutorial Forum yet.I'm going to continue copying as much as I can for my own personal use anyway, but if anyone else is doing it, or has already started doing it, please let me know.Maybe we can co-ordinate our efforts. ps can't ..... believe John, would let this happen without so much as a…

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1 Reply · Reply by Thor Johnson Apr 13