
I have spent a lot of time looking for the video that explains how to delete, add, and duplicate PAS actions in Windows, but for the life of me I can't find the video again.

Could someone please kindly provide me with the steps to

1. Delete an action.

2. Add an action.

3. Duplicate an action.

Thank you for you help.


Adding and deleting actions.jpg

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  • 1: To delete a PASeq action step, select the action step and press the delete key.

    2: To add (record) an action step, click the Rec checkbox at the top of the PASeq window to turn on PASeq recording, then either press the action button or use the mouse to play whatever action you want to record, then turn off recording by clicking the Rec checkbox again when you are done recording.

    3: To duplciate an action step, select it and then drag it in the list while holding down the option key on mac, alt key on windows. This will drag and drop a copy of the selected actions tep.

    Here's a tip on working with paint action sequences.

    Tutorial videos can be located here.

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Is anybody making a copy of all the material in the Tutorials Forum

Since the Forum is going away in June, has anyone started to make a copy of all the stuff in the Tutorials forum?I've made copies of some of the tutorial material on the main site, but haven't looked at the Tutorial Forum yet.I'm going to continue copying as much as I can for my own personal use anyway, but if anyone else is doing it, or has already started doing it, please let me know.Maybe we can co-ordinate our efforts. ps can't ..... believe John, would let this happen without so much as a…

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1 Reply · Reply by Thor Johnson Apr 13