How to

It is possible this item has been discussed here before, but I could not find a topic myself.


I am very new to SA. I came across the following mosaic illustration and I wonder how to reproduce this. From the description I understand it has not been made entirely in SA, but Illustrator and Photoshop are not the problem.


Thank you in advance for your advice.


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  • Charis Tsevis makes extensive use of Studio Artist for all of his photo mosaic work.


    Here's a series of articles that discusses his work.


    Here's a series of articles that discuss photo mosaic imagery and studio artist. A few of these are duplicates of the above series, but most of them are different.


    Here's a tip that discusses how to build photo mosaic imagery using a movie brush in Studio Artist 4.


    Here's a series of daily effect blog posts related to building various kinds of photo mosaic effects.


    i think it would make sense to read through this material, and then ask some more specific detailed questions if you're still unclear on how to create the particular effect you are interested in. i can answer it here or add some more effect blog posts related to the discussion.


    We've posted quite a bit back in old forum posts on recreating the look of Tsevis's Studio Artist effects, including posting specific presets for people that allow for interactive size control of the movie brush on a fixed grid. it's all archived in the forum section.

  • Thank you John for your swift and detailled reply. I will make sure to read all the posts you mentioned.

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