
  • You can setup a source color palette with 7 colors.

    You use the Edit : Palette : Gen Alg : Set Num Color .. menu command to bring up a dialog that lets you set the # of colors in the source color palette. Set it to 7, then record the 7 colors you want to work with. You option click on the color palette cells to record the current source color as the color recorded in that color palette cell.

    The work with the 7 colors for your painting. If you want to only use 1 color for each layer, then select that layer's color with the Fixed option in the Palette tab in the Source area.

    You will want to turn off all color randomization in the paint synthesizer. Most paint presets have all kinds of internal color randomization going on to mimic natural coloring effects and their variations. There is a paint synth macro edit to help you do that (turn off color randomization).

    If you save a session file, then you will save all of the individual layers in the session file.

    • Thank you for your response and what about saving in psd layers?
      • Or what about saving in vector file formats with layers?
        • Studio Artist's frame buffers are raster images. We don't have full view vector layers we keep around as frame buffers. Each layer can have an individual bezier path frame associated with it. And those get saved and restored in our session files.

          When you output eps or svg vector format fromStudio Artist, that happens by capturing the associated vector drawing commands as they are executed on the fly. Using one the Action menu options for saving eps or svg vector files.

          So, any eps or svg vector file you generate is going to be a single layer file. Even if you are running different operations in different layers when generating it. Because you are just streaming the internal vector drawing commands to the vector file being created while they are being used internally in Studio Artist for drawing in to the internal raster frame buffers.

          Here's a tip on outputting eps files.

          Here's a tip on outputting svg files.

      • If you save a multi-layer view with alpha view enabled, what you will get is the composited multi-layer view as a single image.

        Save the layers individually using PNG format as separate image files. Make sure you have alpha view enabled. Then bring them into photoshop to make your multi-lyaer psd file.

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This forum closing - my attempt to keep things going

Hi Guys,So I have setup a forum here: links to the archive stuff. Plus allows posting on the threads which mirror the threads here.In a few days this forum will close so this is my attempt to keep things archived and also allow the community to continue.The way it is setup makes it difficult to search but i'm working on that in the meantime. The basic is to preserve the knowledge from this site and search will come later just i have a day job also so I can only get…

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4 Replies · Reply by Sejnicku 11 hours ago