
  • There are a few different ways you could configure the vectorizer controls to get what you want.

    Goto Drawing control panel.

    You could set the Src Color From parameter to Fixed Source, and then set EPS Region Outline to White. make sure the current source color is black before you run it.

    Another option. Erase canvas to black. Set EPS Region Outline to White. Set Vector Fill Blend % to 0. (Assumes you are using Vector Antialias for the Canvas Render Option.

    Another more esoteric option. Record the output of the vectorizer as bezier paths. then use paint synth to paint white lines on black background.

    There is also a paint synth Path Start Generator option that allows the Vectorizer to be embedded directly in side of a paint synth preset. So you could use that and then just draw the outlines as white paint.

    • thank you

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