
Hi, is the next version of SA going to come with a comprehensive manual/guide? 

I've been going through the current one, and it seems more like a dictionary of terms rather than a manual, at times.

As it is, to me at least, SA has got a learning curve that feels more hyperbolic, than elliptical. I'll bet if you incorporated into the manual, the curve would flatten out. 

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  • Are you arguing that the manual/user guide should be online?

    As opposed to being a pdf manual?

  • No.... but that idea has a great deal of merit. In fact, now that I think about it, an online resource like a wiki does have advantages. SA would create it and users along with SA would update it. This would eliminate the issue of timeliness.

    I'm sure, you could set some sort of style sheet, contributors would follow, just to keep it all looking the same, and view all entries and edits before making it permanent.

    It certainly would be convenient for new users to be able to access a guide and follow tutorials, that exist in one location. 

    I know there are multiple locations now, and that attempts have been made in the past to provide material. The tutorials site for example, started in 2010, started missing entries in 2011, even more in 2012 and finally stopped producing on May 2014. I dont know why that happened, but the material is still available and could be incorporated into a wiki.

    There are certainly enough talented users around, who could certainly provide input. (Bernard, Paul and David, alone have provided enough material over the last several years for at least four several master class guides on using SA).

    I personally, could get involved in developing this further, if you or any of your users show any interest. (it certainly would be a lot more fun than writing SOPs on bank loan processes, for FHB.). No, make that, "would".

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