
  • I appreciate your enthusiasm...


    We'll be exploring all of the new features in detail once we get to the actual release.  Which will happen when it is finished to our satisfaction.

    I don't think it makes sense to have a big discussion of what is in it, or when it might happen before then.

    So while i understand that can be a little bit frustrating, that's all i'm going to say on that topic at this time.


    I'd actually like to turn the question around. I'm very interested in what new features people would like to see in the next release.

    Or alternatively, what existing features in the program do you use regularly?  What parts of the program are important to you personally?

    Studio Artist can do a ton of things, but it can be sometimes not obvious to us here what specific features in that vast array of potential features people tend to focus on.  Manual painting?  Assisted painting? Fully automatic painting?  Video processing.  Image manipulation?  Abstract vs representational art?  Vector output? Photo mosaics?  Cellular automata?  Gallery show?  etc, etc, etc.

    • Thanks !

      Was hoping for an indication of release, but not so much yet all details. I understand that you will not share this upfront.

      For me svg/vector output is very usefull. So is a bigger resolution of the non vector output as well of interest, as I do large prints.

      All "art" related output is very usefull as well.






      • If you want to post a PASeq or 2 here that are representative of the kind of things you do in your workflow that you would like to see better addressed by resolution upscaling in the next release, i can run them through the development code and see if we better support them now.  Or try to fix the issue if that is not the case.


        I'm also curious if you currently take your svg output and then re-render it directly in studio artist back to a raster image at a higher resolution, or if you take it to another program?  I think a lot of people miss the fact that you can output svg from studio artist, and then import it into a new higher resolution RGB canvas.  Using the File : Import : Open SVG as New Canvas menu command.

        So you generate the svg file output using a smaller rgb canvas that makes sense for the effect, then re-render that svg file into a higher resolution rgb canvas at the resolution you want for printing.  For something like the vectorizer this usually is the approach you want to follow.  As opposed to running the vectorizer effect directly into the full high resolution rgb canvas.


        We've been looking at different ways to allow for upsizing certain vector-anchored effects without having to do the full export as svg and then reimport the svg back to raster that you have to do in V5.5.  Looking at some of your workflow examples and seeing if what we have been working on supports them or not would be a good test for us.

    • I know we discussed this a long time ago, and I don't expect it anytime soon because I do understand what an extreme undertaking it would be to implement, but I would love to someday see OSC control of various parameters, especially in MSG Temporal Generators (changing TG increment numbers with a slider from an OSC program on an ipad or phone for instance), etc etc haha.  Thanks for such an amazing program John!

      • Anything even more geared to live real-time performance really :) 


    • The truth is that almost 2 years have passed since the latest release.

      As paying customers we would like to see what progress is being made on the software so that we can make sure it is alive and actively developed so please don't turn the question around asking us what we want to see in next release.

      Just kindly let us know how the development is progressing, what features you are working on, and at least a very approximate date for a new release: willl it be within the next 6 months? Or before the end of this year? Or 2024 Q2? Or before the end of next year?

      The above is the bare miminum for a commercial product.

      Thank you.


      • Also the status of windows support after 2 years is still pathetic with a GUI resembling not even a Windows XP app, but a Windows 98 one.

        Before buying SA I browsed the whole website and I could not find a single picture showing how ugly it looked like on Windows...

        I was not shown a single picture showing how it looked like on Windows. And it's not just about not looking nice... It actually looks like an old broken app going against any good GUI design principle and just trying to use the UI space in the worst possible way.

        That said, as of now, despite my GPU is an RTX 2060 12 GB VRAM, SA feels still incredibly slow on Windows... like it feels like it's not even using basic hardware acceleration.

        Getting back to look and feel, after buying the program I still had hope, thinking that they would make it better, day by day, release by release.

        But after 2 long years they released nothing at all.

        At this pace I don't think a decent Windows support is coming, yet they will show a beautiful UI in the shop pages, which I think at this point is highly deceiving.

        I am not sure what I should do, perhaps I should be entitled to a refund.

        I think it would be better for you to refund me, rather than leaving a customer with such an high level of dissatisfaction for your product to roam around freely and talking about it.

        • Personally, I think you are being unreasonably harsh. I have been a user of Studio Artist since probably 2002 (maybe before, I am guessing, it has been a long time) when it was Mac-only, and have been happy to pay for it, I love it. Now I don't have a Mac anymore (it died, and Apple itself disincentivized me to get another one) and I am perfectly happy running it on Windows. I don't really see any significant difference in the visual appearance or usage of the interface. I don't get paid to say this, and I'm not starting an argument with you, I just do not understand your anger over a rather trivial issue of "interface feel".  As a longtime Mac and Windows user, they are pretty much exactly the same, yes the Windows version doesn't have the rounded corners on panels that the Mac version does, but should that really make a difference?  Photoshop on Windows vs Mac is the same way.  So what?

          • It's not just the look & feel. I wouldn't have cared it if was just about that.

            The problem is with a noticeble - and in some cases severe - perforance difference between Studio Artist running on a Mac and Studio Artist running on a PC with similar specs, in favour of the former, and I came to that conclusion after prolongued observation on how the software run on both systems.

      • "The bare minumum for a commercial product"...

        I'm not sure if you're referring to 2 years, or 6 months or very quarter, but I'm pretty sure that only applies to large companies, who have enough revenue, from new sales, to justify the cost of maintaining a large staff of system admins/developers/testers, and QA folks. 

        I would love to see SA, come out with new features every year, like those other guys do, but I am also very happy with what I have now.



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Is anybody making a copy of all the material in the Tutorials Forum

Since the Forum is going away in June, has anyone started to make a copy of all the stuff in the Tutorials forum?I've made copies of some of the tutorial material on the main site, but haven't looked at the Tutorial Forum yet.I'm going to continue copying as much as I can for my own personal use anyway, but if anyone else is doing it, or has already started doing it, please let me know.Maybe we can co-ordinate our efforts. ps can't ..... believe John, would let this happen without so much as a…

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1 Reply · Reply by Thor Johnson Apr 13