Newbie Mosaic question

I am a total newb, trialling studio artist as I would like to use it to develop designs for creating into  actual physical mosaics using ceramic and glass (as mosaic is an interest of mine). Please excuse my ignorance I am really just using this program for the first time and seeing if I can get it to group colours in a way that I can "visualise" images in a broken up or fragmented way so I can work out where to put different colours. I have attached some artworks which are not my work but that the style I would like to create. Is there a way of creating a mosaic tile effect using studio art so that I would be able to create a design such as this. Any help would be appreciated.

mosaic portrait1.jpg

mosaic portrait 3.jpg

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  • I think you can definitely do what you want to do in Studio Artist.

    So, you want to get comfortable with making mosaic effects. You can then try to dial in the specific tiling look you are going for.

    Some documentation will refer to movie brushes when discussing photo mosaic tiling effects. V5 lets you also work with image folder brushes.  They work the same way, one uses the individual movie frames, the other uses the individual images in the folder.

    This article on a pantograph mosaic effect might be a good place to start for the specific tiling look you are interested in. There are a lot of different photo mosaic articles in that blog.

  • If you want to work with a fixed color palette for mosaic cell fills, you can do that. As an alternative to building a photo mosaic.

    Or, you could generate photo mosaics off of an image folder brush, and then have all of the images in your custom image folder be images of the raw materials you want to work with (images of stones, tile fragments, individual glass pieces, etc).  These could be alpha masked or not, depending on what you are trying to generate.

    • Thanks for these great ideas. How many images would i need to pull from to make a detailed photomosaic design, and does it matter if the images are only single colours? I imagine with a photo mosaic there would be multiple colours and tones in each image that would collectively make up an image when pulled into a photo mosaic. If I created my own "tiles" these would probably be a single colour and I would match these to known tile colours so I could then easily translate to a design.

      • There are a lot of different colorization options available to you in the Brush Load control panel.

        Here's a tip on movie brush recolorization.

        So this is how you can colorize your image tiles if you want to do that for the standpoint of making interesting photo mosaic images on the computer.

        If your ultimate goal is to build a physical mosaic out of the computer generated image, then you would probably want to not use additional colorization.  You'd have to mount filters in front of the physical tile components to simulate the computer recolorization in the real world.

        You can always use luminance mapping rather than RGB mapping if you have tile components that don't have any inherent colorization in them.  If they have inherent colors in them that provide an adequate representation of the source image you want to generate a photo mosaic of, then you could use RGB mapping.

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