Newbie trying to learn.

I am having fun with SA, but it does have a learning curve.
What I am finding is that the basics, are quick to get, but finding more advanced tutorials is hard.
I am interested in creating videos with alpha. 
Generatively creating vectors for use in mosaics.

Does any one has suggestions for the best resources to dive into these topics?

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  • The tips site is a good info resource for getting started. 

    There is a specific tutorial in tips for generating an embedded alpha channel in a rendered movie file.

    The blog is a good source for more advanced articles on specific art projects.

    What kind of vector images do you want to use in mosaics? You could use MSG Evolution to generate variations on MSG effects that draw with vectors, and save the generated images in a folder for use as an image folder brush for filling in mosaic shapes in a photo mosaic.

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