
  • The preset mixer in studio artist 5 allows you to mix together 2 or 4 different paint presets. The 4 different sets of paint synthesizer editable parameters are stored in the 4 paint synthesizer path memories. They can be accessed via the four path memory buttons at the bottom of the paint synthesizer Editor panel ( labeled P1,P2,P3,P4 ), or via the edit : paint synthesizer : Patch Memory menu commands, or via the appropriate active links in the paint synthesizer evolution help path in the integrated help browser.

    Mousing down in the side rails of the mixer lets you mix together 2 different patch memories. Mousing down in the rectangular center area of the Mixer lets you mix between the 4 path memories stored at the 4 corners of the mixer.

    Each patch memory stores the complete set of editable parameters in the paint synthesizer.

    If you mouse down in one of the patch memory buttons, you play back the stored parameters into the paint synthesizer editor. If you option click one of the patch memory buttons, you record the paint synthesizer editor settings into the option clicked patch memory.

    • Cool, thank you, I'll experiment
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