Question about ModFloatSumArea

I've been working on an MSG, that uses the SRC, SetToRandomEdgeMask, along with Invert, 1ToFloatSumArea and 1ModBlurFloatSumArea

  • RGBtoYIQ
  • 1ToFloatSumArea
  • 1PosNegFloatSumArea
  • 1ToFloatSumArea
  • 1PosNegFloatSumArea
  • 1ToFloatSumArea
  • 1TVFloatSumArea
  • 1PosNegFloatSumArea
  • YIQtoRGB
  • RGB_ HueShift
  • Set ToRndEdgeMask
  • Invert
  • 1ToFloatSumArea
  • 1ModBlurFloatSumArea
  • 1ToFloatSumArea
  • 1ModBlurFloatSumArea
  • 1ToFloatSumArea
  • 1ModBlurFloatSumArea

The Blur works as expected, but there is an artifact that gets generated which I cant get rid of.

1ModBlurFloatSumArea has two parameters: HFilter Dim % and VFilter Dim%.

When both are -gt zero, the blurring is visible. When both are -eq zero there is no blurring.

In both cases, the artifact is always there.

Is there a blurring SRC, that doesn't leave an artifact?


FYI, Ning won't let me sent a file. Every time I try ro upload a file I get this message "Sorry, that upload didn't work"

I can upload an image but not a file. Odd.




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  • I will try to help if I can. Is the list of MSG processors in the order that you put them in your MSG preset? It's frustrating that we can't upload presets here anymore, because it is pretty much impossible to tell where the artifact is coming from without being able to look at the routings between the processors. If you want, message me and I can send you my email so you can send me your MSG and I can take a look at it. 

    • LOL. I moved on. I created myself a macro to create a spreadsheet that generates a vies of the MSG, that allows me to get a good look at how each SRC flows to the next.

      It utilizes Snagit, which is the only software I know of that does a really good job of converting image to text.

      it took a while to build it, because I had to create a data base of all the SRC files and thir Parameter/Values and Port/Bus.

      Its still a very manual process, because a few limitations of Snagit and Studio Artist.

      It was worth the effort though because now I can just capture of a list of SRC names from the MSG Advanced Editor and instantly see what the default values of all the SRCs are.

      A few extra minutes, gives me all the values, of the current Parameter/Values and Port/Bus values,


      • That's cool!

  • There are more normal blur filters, like HorzMeanFilter and VertMeanFilter that you can use in sequence to build a 2D seperable filter.   Or ISEFBlurFilter.   And all of the various multipurpose nonlinear Rank filters typically have a mean option in them (in addition to other things like min, max, var, etc) that you can use for a normal blur.

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Since the Forum is going away in June, has anyone started to make a copy of all the stuff in the Tutorials forum?I've made copies of some of the tutorial material on the main site, but haven't looked at the Tutorial Forum yet.I'm going to continue copying as much as I can for my own personal use anyway, but if anyone else is doing it, or has already started doing it, please let me know.Maybe we can co-ordinate our efforts. ps can't ..... believe John, would let this happen without so much as a…

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1 Reply · Reply by Thor Johnson Apr 13