
  • We're working on future development. But I'm not going to get into specifics right now.

    If there are specific areas of Studio Artist you would like to see developed further, feel free to point them out. Understanding how people are using the program always helps us plan for the future.

    • Maybe have a reference palette.where we could place a painting by someone we admire and can reference to as we create our painting. So if I am painting and would like some of what I see in a Picasso or Sargent, it would be right there in front of me.

      • Can't you just open the image in a window in another image display program like preview and place that view in the appropriate place on your monitor?

        If you want to select colors from it, you could load it into a second layer, and switch to that and use c hot key to click on appropriate areas for the color selection.

        • My mind amazes me. I guess I was just so use to using Painter by Corel, I didn't let my mind make some easy leaps in SA.


    • My Request #1:

      Dear John, at first please read this:

      "One feature of the JPEG file format is the concept of APP segments. These are regions of the JPEG file that can contain arbitrary information (as a sequence of bytes). Exif is actually stored in one of these segments, and is identified by a preamble.

      Take a look at this page:

      You'll see many segments there that start with APP such as APP0 (which can store JFIF data), APP1 (which can contain Exif) and so forth.

      There's nothing stopping you storing data in one of these segments. Conformant JPEG readers will ignore this unrecognised data, but you could write software to store/retrieve data from within there."

      SA has many features when I paint by those I may forget, it is fantastic If you can embed some information in jpg and when I open that SA can Read stored data and load my preset or PAS.
      I know another application do this with success.

      • I love the idea of storing the image's recipe (i.e. SA settings) within the image itself. 

    • Request #2:

      1-adding search box to top of all TAB for search only there.

      2-Drag and Drop Any to Any

      3-Save/Load to/From memory for editor options



      • If you have an element in a list selected, and you type in a letter or word, the list selection will move to the named entry you typed in. So it seems like the search in current list feature you want is already there.

        What drag and drop features do you want that are currently missing? You can drag and drop an image from finder to source area. If you want to drag and drop current preset, start from the current preset icon.

        If i understand your question about save/load to the editor memories, i believe session files do that as part of the all of the information they save and restore in the session file. Also, the whole point of favorites is to provide that feature using preset files. Studio Artist 1,2,3 all had a much larger set of preset memory buttons that included preview images. We added the favorites preset browser as a replacement for them. 

    • Request #3:
      Better batch file Process for Saving even Svg and other formats

      Request #6:
      Save to vector PDF directly just like Svg/Eps

      Request #7:
      Script engine

      Request #8:
      Flower/Tree generator

      Request #9:

      Request #10:
      We have triangulation please add quadrangles

      Request #11:
      An Low Poly Editor with using quad/triangle something like this

      Request #12:
      generate Cache File for mosaic in the same directory For very fast loading

      • Just to clarify #3. You can already batch process multiple images to eps or svg by using the appropriate action : process with PAseq : image to eps or svg menu commands.

        Is this what you mean by 'batch', or do you want to run multiple PASeqs to process an image folder to eps or svg with one command?

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Is anybody making a copy of all the material in the Tutorials Forum

Since the Forum is going away in June, has anyone started to make a copy of all the stuff in the Tutorials forum?I've made copies of some of the tutorial material on the main site, but haven't looked at the Tutorial Forum yet.I'm going to continue copying as much as I can for my own personal use anyway, but if anyone else is doing it, or has already started doing it, please let me know.Maybe we can co-ordinate our efforts. ps can't ..... believe John, would let this happen without so much as a…

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1 Reply · Reply by Thor Johnson Apr 13