Version 4 issues

Hi, I'm noticing a couple of peculiarities with the new version. Is there a special forum for V4 testing ? If so, I appologize for jotting down some observations here: When I open SA the color I generally set the color default to "Source image". After a couple of operations, selecting "default color" sets the cavas to white not "Source Image" also After I perform a PASreq, the menu choice defaults back to "Paint Synthesizer Classic"

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  • Sorry.... I was in error on my comment on PASreq...
    The menu is dipaying the last operation performed by PASreq. It is not defaulting back to Paint Synthesizer ......
    • Version 3.5 allowed me to playback individual actions in the history window. How do I do the this in version 4 ?
      • You can either click on the first keyframe in the PASeq timeline to playback the individual action steps, or you can control click the PASeq action step you want to play back and then run the appropriate contextual menu. There's a context menu to play the selected action step or just set the interface to the what's recorded in the action step without actually running the action.
  • There's a PASeq preference setting called Editor Update. You can set it to during playback or after playback. If it's set to during playback, then the editor and presets are updated as each action step plays back. So if you ran a PAseq that played back paint synthesizer steps the operation mode of the interface along with the Editor and Preset browser would change to paint synthesizer when you played back the PASeq. Or if the PASeq had a image processing step, then the operation mode would change to image processing when that step played back.

    If you have the PASeq editor update preference set to after playback, then those changes will not happen as the PASeq plays back, and the interface will reflect what it was set to at the start of the PASeq playback when the PASeq finishes.
  • I'm not aware of anything that would change the default color unless you opened a session file or changed the menu setting. You can change the menu setting by using the canvas : default color menu flags or by control clicking on the erase button in the main operation toolbar. If you can quantify something else that's changing it let me know.

    You can always drag and drop the source image into the canvas as a shortcut to set the canvas to the source image.
    • "Source image". After a couple of operations, selecting "default color" sets the cavas to white not "Source Image"

      the above happens to me too
      • where are you selecting default color?
        • happens with the erase button and the file settings
          just turns white for no reason, usually the file settings
          sets it back but not always
          • This reply was deleted.
            • I answered your question in the response to Rondan below.
          • Prior to the dev4 a4.2 build, making a new layer set the new layer to white as the default (as opposed to the default color setting), so perhaps that's what you were running into. Starting with a4.2 it sets a new layer to whatever your default color is.
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