
I want to save a warp in a paint action sequence for the use in a video later. Is there any random-functionality that it might be possible to shift the center of the warp-activity or do I have to do something like that frame by frame? Thanks in advance.

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  • 1. In your PASEQ, either make a warp action or select one that already exists
    2. Check "Record", and then check "Sequential Keyframe"
    3. Go a ways down the timeline and select a keyframe.
    4. Make another warp action (example, drag in a different direction, etc)
    5. Uncheck "Record" & "Sequential Keyframe"

    The warp will now tween between the keyframes you set.
    • This is a bit off subject, but you might also look into experimenting with the 'Fracture' and 'Fracture Displacement' Image Operations for other ways to shatter and stretch the surface of the image... and in those image operations you can use random settings in there. Who knows.
      • Depending on what you are trying to do you might be able to use a MSG processor that warps and then use Temporal Generators to randomly shift parameters of the warp over time without having to use keyframes. You'd want a TG modulator that smoothly varies as opposed to a uniform random modulator or the end result would have flicker.
  • Thanks again to all of you!
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