msg preset

I started to "play" around with evolver. When I used the attached MSG-preset in Studio Artist on a HD file it's processing about 8 minutes on one frame. When I used that preset on an SD file it took 30 seconds up to 1 minute per picture, depending on the source. It makes perfectly sense that a bigger fileformat takes longer time to process, but somehow I don't understand the proportionality. HD is not 8 times as big as SD. The other thing is that I would like to use this preset for a whole sequence but somehow 8 minute for one picture it would take ages. So, is there a way to manipulate the preset that the process works faster. Or is there another effect which results into a simular output. Thanks in advance. Frank


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  • Hi, I could not get your preset to open, please go to where it resides on your computer, right-click (or ctrl-click) on it, and choose "create archive", this will create a .zip archive, and if you attach that file then all the internal info will come through. Thanks
    • Hi, here we go. Hopefully it works now!

      Thanks for your effort.

  • The 'RGB CMedDistArea' processor, which stands for an integral color median distance area filter, is kind of slow to process. The filter is not only nonlinear in terms of how it processes the image, but also in the amount of time it takes to run based on size, which is a power curve, so as the image gets larger the time to run it really slows down. To be honest, i tend to stay away from the integrated color filters like this one because of that reason. The evolution code for swapping processors skips them as an option because of their slowness.

    You could try 'RGB MedianArea' instead for that one.

    You also have quite a few nonlinear filters chained together in this preset. Any of them you can get rid of will speed things up. Also, a machine with more processing cores will speed things up. The existing preset is running at 12-13 seconds per frame for me at 720x480. This is in MSG Evolver running in emulation mode on an intel 8 processor pro tower. It takes 5 seconds to run in version 4 on the same machine at that size.

    You might want to try running it at a lower res and then supersizing to the final output size if you feel it is running to slow. For this particular effect that might not be an issue since it's so blurry anyway.
    • Also, you can get rid of the 2 'RGB NLCoverage' processors. The second one is redundant, since the io connections are the same as the first. And it's not really doing anything in this particular effect, so delete one of them and then replace the other on with a 3to3 processor with the same io connections. I've attached a modified preset with the edits i mention, which runs much faster and gives you the same effect.

      • Well, you'll probably know but it has to be said once. I have never ever worked with a software with such an amazing support!
        Thanks again, and to everybody else hang out here giving good advice.

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Is anybody making a copy of all the material in the Tutorials Forum

Since the Forum is going away in June, has anyone started to make a copy of all the stuff in the Tutorials forum?I've made copies of some of the tutorial material on the main site, but haven't looked at the Tutorial Forum yet.I'm going to continue copying as much as I can for my own personal use anyway, but if anyone else is doing it, or has already started doing it, please let me know.Maybe we can co-ordinate our efforts. ps can't ..... believe John, would let this happen without so much as a…

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1 Reply · Reply by Thor Johnson Apr 13