Woodcut, Scratchboard, Engraved Look

I thought Pauls's recent suggestion for more Woodcut, Scratchboard, Engraved Look presets deserved it's own forum thread.

Now i love to create these kinds of effects, so i'm always ready to dive into creating more options to create this kind of effect. So i'm always open to new ideas about features related to any kind of print or lithography simulation we should be adding to Studio Artist.

However, the other side of the coin is that there are already a million different ways to create print simulation and lithography simulation visual effects in Studio Artist today.  And my personal opinion is that people have barely scratched the surface in trying to figure this out. I'm sure some of this is  lack of knowing where to look, so we can delve into some of that in this forum thread.

For example, i knocked this off in maybe 2 minutes of editing this morning. The color is being generated by the vectorizer, the black line work was generated in the paint synthesizer.  I'll try to cover some of the many different techniques available to you in separate posts in this forum thread.

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  • Here's the PASeq preset used for my initial example post above.

    You can output this PASeq as vector art, so you can scale it for print to your hearts content.

    How did i build the PASeq. There are 2 main components, the color cartoony background that is then overpainted with black vector art. The black overpainting has 2 passes, the initial wood cut simulation, followed by a second pass to work in the source image edges to bring in a little more source detail.

    You could reverse the way this whole thing was built. You could use color painting for the scratch or cut patterning on a black background. Or you could paint the lines in white on a black background. Or in black on a white background. You can adjust the path start spacing, path length, and path angle settings to you hearts content to modify the way this looks.

    I specifically used a paint synthesizer vector drawing technique for this PASeq so that the effect could be output as vector art. You want to optimally use SVG output for the way i built it, but you can use the SVG print option under Action : Generate SVG to output to a pdf file (on the mac) if you want to bring it into Photoshop or Illustrator or Preview.

    I could build a color palette to simulate a limited set of printing inks if i wished. i could then either force the vectorizer to use that color palette for coloring, or i could palette map the paint synthesizer if i want to generate coloring from it.

    If i wasn't using vector painting, i could use the local image range nib masking option in the paint fill apply control panel to add hard halftoning to the individual paint nibs associated with the lines as they are being painted. This gives a tighter look that better captures all of the edge detail in the source image if you want that, but you need to use raster paint to do that.

    Again, we're barely scratching the surface in this one simple example of the many different approaches you could take to generating woodcut, scratchboard, or engraving effects in Studio Artist. I'll try to point out some other approaches in some additional posts.


  • There are a number of different Image Operation effects in Studio Artist that can be used to simulate woodcut, scratch board, and engraving effects. Obvious places to start include the following effects:
    Line Screen
    Line Screen Dual
    Line Screen Dual1
    Line Screen Block Regionize
    Line Screen Regionize

    These effects have many different parameter options that can be adjusted to radically change the way they process an image.

    There are a number of different Ip Op effects for generating flat or restricted coloring, including:

    Color Palette Map
    Color Simplify
    Color Simplify 1
    Color quantize
    Watershed Regionizize

    If you just want to soften coloring and eliminate noise or non-essential texture there are also a number of different Ip Ops that can be used to do that, including:

    Smart Blur

    If you want to add edge detail, or generate line work based on edges, there are a number of Ip Ops that can be used to do that, including:

    Color Edge
    Smart Contrast
    Rank Edge

    To accent positive and negative space in an image, check out

    Smart Contrast
    Smart Contrast 1
    Rank Edge

    The Threshold IP Op is extremely versatile, and some of the different effects it can generate might surprise you.

    There are 3 different Ip Ops that can create a wide range of very sophisticated shading and line work effects:

    Sketch Edge
    Sketch Mass
    Watershed Sketch

    The following Ip Ops can generate bezier path output in addition to their normal raster image processing effects, which can then be used to drive the paint synthesizer. The range of potential effect combinations this opens up is HUGE, and again this particular feature has barely been explored by Studio Artist users. These include the following:

    Color Edge
    Sketch Edge
    Sketch Mass
    Smart Contrast
    Watershed Sketch

    Preprocessing your source image can be an essential component of building these kinds of effects. You can incorporate any kind of preprocessing or source image tune up as a part of your PASeq. There are many many different Ip Op effects that can be used for source image preprocessing and cleanup. For removing noise, for simplifying the image, or edge enhancement, for feature extraction, etc.
    • Here's one example of the Line Screen Regionize Ip Op and the preset i used to generate the effect. Again, depending on how you adjust the parameters for this particular ip op effect you can totally change the appearance of the effect it is creating.


  • To continue my point that perhaps the potential capabilities of Studio Artist to create a wide variety of wood cut effects are largely unexplored, i decided to post this PASeq of an interesting approach to building a BW woodcut effect. It uses the Watershed Sketch Ip Op effect to build the patterning for a halftone screen. So this is all done with ip ops and 2 adjust operations.

    The PASeq is below to download. Here's what it looks like:

    Watershed Sketch generates the patterning. I then threshold that with an interactive adjustment to make it black and white. I then use the Geodesic Falloff ip op to turn it into a halftone screen. I then use the image compressor and a lum lightness adjustment to normalize the halftone screen. I then use the Fixed Image ip op to do the halftone thresholding (pay close attention to this one). The 2 smart blur ip ops at the end clean up the rough edges.

    Depending on the luminance characteristics of your source image you might want to do some preprocessing of it first for best results. Things like using the image compressor to pull out detail and normalize the tone, and perhaps lightening or darkening with interactive adjustments.

    bw woodcut fun1.paseq.zip

  • There's a folder of different woodcut simulation PASeq presets available here for download.
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This forum closing - my attempt to keep things going

Hi Guys,So I have setup a forum here:http://www.sawberry.com/bbs/It links to the archive stuff. Plus allows posting on the threads which mirror the threads here.In a few days this forum will close so this is my attempt to keep things archived and also allow the community to continue.The way it is setup makes it difficult to search but i'm working on that in the meantime. The basic is to preserve the knowledge from this site and search will come later just i have a day job also so I can only get…

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