mosaic (14)

Newbie Mosaic question

I am a total newb, trialling studio artist as I would like to use it to develop designs for creating into  actual physical mosaics using ceramic and glass (as mosaic is an interest of mine). Please excuse my ignorance I am really just using this prog

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4 Replies

mosaic question

How do you make a mosaic that draws in a pattern like the spiral on the Santa Claus example in the mosaic gallery. All of my mosaics are laying out left to right next to each other... can't find the controls to draw them at angles or on top of each o

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8 Replies

Movie brush

Hi John,

I'm using attached paint preset for drawing mosaic and not always satisfied how SA selects images to represent an area of the source image.

I'm using 1D Frame mod RGB mapping in Brush Source panel as the only option that roughly does what

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11 Replies

How to

It is possible this item has been discussed here before, but I could not find a topic myself.


I am very new to SA. I came across the following mosaic illustration and I wonder how to reproduce this. From the description I understand it has not been

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2 Replies

Brick Wall Movie Brush Example

Here's a set of presets that run through some different approaches to rendering source images as brick wall mosaics. After unzipping the download file you will have a folder called brickBrush. Place this movie file in the Brush folder in your main St

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17 Replies